пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bill clinton echelon

Wow, I just finished writing Chapter Two, and the journey and feelings were unexpected. I thought that by writing down the chapterapos;s outline would make me write it quicker than the first chapter, since at that time I only had the outline in my head.

But I was very wrong. It took me three days because I was held up with homework and people kept using MSN chatting with me whenever I started to write. The four-day-holiday-break didnapos;t give me more time, it actually made me more anxious about how fast time flies by.

And I also had writerapos;s block. At the part where the mysterious man and Chuck were talking, I wasnapos;t sure exactly what were the lines I wanted Lydia to hear. And when I should stop typing their conversation. The same problem also happened when I was typing the forest scene about the red-headed witch and the part where Lydia reads her motherapos;s notes that she left. I didnapos;t want to type too much because I didnapos;t want to reveal too much information that would be explained in later chapters. I had to be careful about when to stop writing, because if I wrote it all down now, what was I going to write in later chapters that were more important in delivering the story.

About the red-headed witch, Giselle. Well, that name came as an accident. I didnapos;t plan on naming her in the story, I didnapos;t even plan on using her name. It was like this: I was writing her description and I was using the words "red-headed" or "that witch" all the time, but I wanted to use other words than those usual ones. Then suddenly when I need to write the lady again, a name pooped into my head and my hands just strolled over to the key pads and started to type like it was a natural thing.

So, thatapos;s how her name came to be. And about why it popped into my mind. Well, I donapos;t know. I think I know why, but Iapos;m not sure. I have a classmate that I met during the Welcome Tea Party for Freshman, and her name is Giselle. All went well, we were even still saying "hi" when we met again at the orientation. We even sat down to eat lunch together and introduced each other. But then she stopped being nice to me. No friendly greetings at all, and she�was more outgoing than I and made other friends. She might have grown distant from me; I think it was because I pronounced her name wrong out of nervousness during the introduction on stage. So, I am not saying this out of grudge or anything,�she just gives me the feeling of the witch is all. And she mentioned she got that English name from Disneyapos;s Enchanted, Princess Giselle was also�a red head.

Anyway, about the part where she sees images and reflects it�on her own life. Her history before�becoming a witch was unexpected written into the story. You see, I did think about it. But I didnapos;t want to write it all out, I�just wanted to indicate that she desires love.�So I wanted her love story�to be�a more ambiguous storyline. However, I did not�think that I did that well and wrote/elaborated on it too much. Oh well, who knows. You decide what you think.

Another thing is towards the ending. I found out that when I wanted to achieve the ten page line, I rewritten many times on the last scene. Actually, it was a more cut and paste thing. When I didnapos;t want to write too much, I began for a shorter, less detailed version, which in my mind did not include the locket thing, since I wanted that part to be unclear or not happening at all. But then, I started to write for a longer version, when�the shorter version didnapos;t reach the mark where I�wanted. So, thus, I cut the�other version, pasted�on a�new word file. And when I rethought about it all, I pasted the version on the other file to the current one. Funny thing is, I managed to piece together the two versions,�and nothing was left to delete in the new word file, which was perfect.�

Iapos;m just glad that this chapter writing is over. I was�very excited�about writing this before�I even started. However, when I began to write it, due to the time, some things changed. Time made me feel not so enthusiastic about writing the story, I think�the�longer time went by, the lesser the fun of writing it was. Itapos;s confusing. Also�with the pressure of the need to finish other things, I wanted to finish�typing up this story so badly. I felt pressured and became frustrated. But�now, that the writing progress is all over, I feel very delighted.�

The black cat plays a very important role in this story. And find out what part in this story is the real "reflection".

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